1. Hold the scanner like a pen
2. Position: as the following picture
Distance: 4-7mm away from teeth
3. Upperjaw scanning procedure
occlusal surface---lingual surface---buccal surface
scan the occlusal surface from No.7 to No. 4 teeth —— scan the front teeth by turning inside and ouside——scan the occlusal surface from No. 4 to No.7 teeth
Scan lingual surface
Scan buccal surface
4. Lowerjaw scanning procedure
occlusal surface---lingual surface---buccal surface
scan the occlusal surface from No.7 to No. 4 teeth —— scan the front teeth by turning inside and ouside——scan the occlusal surface from No. 4 to No.7 teeth
Scan lingual surface
Scan buccal surface
Rescan occlusal surface
5. Scan bite (scan 3-4 teeth to get the bite)
Buccal 1
Buccal 2